Tag: blogs

  • 4 years and 2 months later… TheyWorkForYou plugin gets an update

    4 years and 2 months later… TheyWorkForYou plugin gets an update

    Shocking it’s been so long really, but I’ve finally revived my TheyWorkForYou WordPress plugin. When I first released it, all the plugin did was supply a TheyWorkForYou widget. Nothing’s changed! That’s for good reason though… At the time, the latest version of WordPress was 2.8.6 and we’re now on 3.8.1 so a lot has changed!…

  • TheyWorkForYou.com WordPress plugin

    As part of some work for Talk About Local I have just developed a WordPress plugin using the TheyWorkForYou.com API. For this first version the plugin creates a single widget which shows the latest activity for your MP. I hope to add more in the future and if you have any suggestions, please add them…

  • ARGH! Where’s your RSS feed?!

    Seriously, folks, if you’re going to have a blog you need to give me your RSS feed. As I scan the net for news that interests me I get increasingly frustrated with the number of times I found myself looking around for the RSS feed. A blog isn’t a blog without an RSS feed. That’s…

  • Brits Love Blogs

    41% of the UK’s internet population have visited a blog, according to comScore. The study shows that in August, 14.5 million people in the UK visited at least one blog, showing just how popular blogging is becoming. It demonstrates just how important blogging is to the British internet user. And a reminder to businesses that…

  • How Chris Brogan Got Me a Link Without Knowing It

    SEO will get you traffic. It’ll get you links. It’ll get you rankings. But does it achieve your business goals? Could you be missing out on something? Perhaps you need Chris Brogan. Or maybe you just need to take part a bit more. Get your hands dirty. Something like that.

  • Algo chasing and SEOs generalisation

    One of the biggest things that annoys me about SEOs is how so many of them make generalisations. For example, a recent poll conducted by Search Roundtable asked SEOs and webmasters, “do you like blog links?” The poll was sparked off by suggestions by some SEOs that Google had started to de-value links from blogs.…

  • Are All PR Professionals Scared of the Web?

    For some reason I’m doing a good job of finding opinion pieces preaching to businesses about why they shouldn’t do SEO, PPC, social networking, blogging and so on. Obviously, being an internet consultant that could be bad for business but it’s getting my back up because I can see a common theme running through a…