Tag: yahoo

  • Microsoft, Yahoo Deal Would Strengthen Google

    I’m getting might pissed off with all this talk about some “deal” between Microsoft and Yahoo now. I don’t see how Microsoft forking out $15 billion for Yahoo’s search business would have any impact on Google‘s share. Sure, on paper, Yahoo’s share would drop to 0% and Microsoft would jump from 8.5% to 29%, but…

  • Yahoo!’s Delicious Fails at Usability

    Not completely, but enough for me to blog about it. When making changes to your site infrastructure or architecture, it’s important to consider links coming into your site. For example, I may want to change the URL structure for my blog posts, to include the year and month in which they were posted. This post’s…

  • Ladies and Gentleman; Yahoo! Web Analytics

    We probably all knew this was coming since Yahoo! purchased IndexTools, but now it’s official. Yahoo has launched Yahoo! Web Analytics. I’ve been using IndexTools for what must be five years now. Before that, I was all about WebTrends as well as a short stint with Urchin. Having explored a variety of other tools I…

  • Yahoo is encouraging unethical practices in web development

    A big part of my ethical web philosophy is that site owners should build their sites with the visitors best interests at the forefront. For years it has been shown that surfers use the address bar to get their bearings and so clean, simple URLs are a must. Search engines have always had difficulty with…

  • Yahoo Takes on Google Analytics

    Just over a month ago I received an e-mail from IndexTools to let me know, as a customer, that the company was to be acquired by Yahoo. I’ve been a consistent user of IndexTools for a good few years now, having discovered the tool whilst evaluating analytics vendors for my previous company, so it was exciting news to…

  • Yahoo Sucker Punches Microsoft

    I had to laugh when I read the news on the BBC site this morning that Yahoo and Google have teamed up in an advertising trial. For two weeks, Google will serve 3% of Yahoo’s ads. The article doesn’t mention which ads – I’m presuming pay-per-click ads on search results. The move is clearly intended to fend…