Tag: eu
Sorry, you were born in the wrong place
An attempt at demonstrating the idiocy of borders, and discriminating based on the accident of a birthplace.
Why I’m voting Green, and why you should definitely vote today.
After using the excellent Vote Match website, I reviewed my answers and the comparisons to the policies of the various political parties and decided that I agreed with it’s assessment that I should vote for the Green Party. There are a few things I do disagree with the Greens on, such as their stance on Nuclear…
UKIP are going to have a spectacular victory, and that’s a good thing.
MAYBE! Look, most people don’t really like UKIP’s policies, whether or not the actual party members are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic morons or not (they are, by the way). What many people are seeing is a party being brutally honest (for the most part) and the political establishment trying to discredit them. It’s that very…
My (disappointing) correspondence with Michael Cashman MEP over Mandelson’s 3 strikes policy
With today’s announcement of the Digital Economy Bill containing the dreaded three strikes policy I thought I’d share my disappointing correspondence with Michael Cashman MEP. I first wrote to him with; Dear Michael Cashman, I’m biased as my career is based entirely on the web, but Mandelson’s plans to implement disconnection without trial for those accused of copyright…