• Someone should do a thing where you can print postcards full of facts that counter Daily Mail bullshit to enable an army of people to go out and slip into copies of the racism rag posted in cafes, pubs etc. People who pick up the DM will find themselves reading a card educating them on why what…

  • “If Corbyn wins I’ll join the Labour Party”

    That was one snippet of a conversation I overheard today about the Labour leadership contest. Two women – one middle aged, one slightly older – were discussing the leadership contest on the next table. After talking about the change in attitude that Corbyn is bringing to Labour, one commented “if you keep on doing what you’ve always been…

  • I keep seeing “encryption” and “WhatsApp” used in the same today. You do realise it’s *not* secure, right? And it’s owned by Facebook FFS, do you’re giving Facebook all your messages. If you want secure, encrypted communications use Telegram. Even better, get yourself a VPN to hide all your traffic from our illiberal, civil rights…

  • The Pursuit of Happyness, and helping yourself

    This has nothing to do with the film, I just thought it was an appropriate title 🙂 (although, it is one of my favourite films, mostly for this genuinely inspiring bit). I’m happy. Really happy. Which is a stark contrast to 7 months ago. At the beginning of this month I also stopped taking anti-depressants…

  • The SEO Prayer

    Our Google, who art in Mountain View, hallowed be your Matt Cutts. Your Googleplex come, your search results be done, online, as it is in heaven. Give us this SEO, and deliver our traffic, and forgive us our keyword spam, as we forgive those who spam against us. And lead us not into temptation, but…

  • Father’s Day

    Father’s Day

    The children didn’t get me anything for Father’s Day. Except that The Boy gave me himself for the day. His eternal cuteness. His joyful smile. His (near-)impeccable behaviour. His love of bike rides. His love of trains. His utter despair at having to leave the model railway. The way he just rocks up to strangers…

  • #365daysofpolitics day 26: transcending the situation

    Today is day 26, which means I’ve had two days of doing nothing (pretty much). Spending the weekend with my little man was far more important, of course. But in general I’m finding it hard to keep up every single day. My hope was that it’d be fairly straight-forward to do something, at least small, every…

  • #365daysofpolitics day 23: close

    Last night I finished off the seats data for the general election. It didn’t validate 🙁 but that might be a bug, so we’ll see… Also had some conversations with the Something New lot about alliances and such… very interesting it was too! Join us.

  • #365daysofpolitics day 22: data!

    Finally, I think I got the seats data for the 2015 general election sorted out! I worked on it yesterday so tonight (day 23) I need to test it and make sure it’s validating properly. Also, I had a chance encounter with a friend and had a chat about this little experiment of mine 🙂 as well as…