Tag: green party
#365daysofpolitics day 6: pleading
I’ve just finished off a bunch of work to the 2015 election stats project I’ve been working on. Thanks to contributions from others, it looks like we now have votes for all constituencies and the validation is passing – woohoo! There’s some next steps, which I’ve created issues for. Feel free to help me out…
Why I voted in a safe seat
A little while ago I posited the argument that not voting is a proxy vote for the winner. Now I’m going to suggest that it’s worth voting even in a safe seat where you’re voting against the incumbent. In Lichfield I’ve voted for Rob Pass, the Green Party candidate. He won’t get anywhere close to…
Why I’m voting Green, and why you should definitely vote today.
After using the excellent Vote Match website, I reviewed my answers and the comparisons to the policies of the various political parties and decided that I agreed with it’s assessment that I should voteĀ for the Green Party. There are a few things I do disagree with the Greens on, such as their stance on Nuclear…