Tag: economy

  • I voted.

    There not being a Something New candidate for Lichfield (maybe next time) I voted for; Proper funding of the NHS, An end to pay freezes for nurses and doctors and other public sector staff who make our country function, The school that my son will attend in September to have more money, not fewer teachers,…

  • It’s The Economy, Stupid!

    Barely a day goes by where we don’t hear about climate change. But what nobody is really talking about is the economic impact. That’s why, for the second time, I’ve joined forces with Francis Irving to get people, business and Government motivated on climate change for the economy. It’s called Serious Change and I invite you to join us.

  • How SEO will eventually die off

    I really enjoyed reading Ian Lurie’s take on the death of SEO. He gives us a few ideas as to how SEO will finally meet it’s demise. (Note I’m not questioning whether SEO will die or not!) I’m going to give you my own take on each of the three theories; The Slow Meltdown While…