• There is no web 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0

    This is deliberately similar to my first Posterous post, “There is no new vs. old media“… There is no web 1.0 or web 2.0 or even web 3.0. There is only the evolving web. I despise the use of the phrase “web 2.0” when it relates to web design, for example – it implies that it…

  • Are you bostin?

    via youtube.com I can’t claim to be much of a bostin bloke myself having been brought up in North Warwickshire but you’ve gotta love the “allroight” at the end 🙂 This was posted via web from Philip’s posterous

  • There is no new vs. old media

    I’ve said it many times at various events this year but I decided a short but sweet blog post was needed (and what better place than my as yet unused Posterous). Here goes… There is no new and old media. There is only evolving media. Right now it’s going through what I consider to be a paradigm…

  • Two wrongs don’t make a right. Why discrimination loses my vote in the general election.

    This week, David Cameron announced that he is prepared to impose all-women shortlists for the next general election. The Labour Party has already used all-women shortlists and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said he would consider introducing them if the number of women MPs in his party didn’t ‘improve’ at the next general election. The…

  • Free your post code!

    Today, Ernest Marples Postcodes was shut down by Royal Mail. The service enables great sites such as PlannngAlerts.com and The Straight Choice as well as many others. The action is stifling digital innovation in the UK and really needs to be freed up. So, in order to combat this let’s free up the postcode data…

  • Social Media love makes it to Coventry & Warwickshire – my home county!

    If you know me you know I shout a lot about Lichfield. I love the place! But I’m originally a Warwickshire boy, having spent my first 20 years in the old mining village of Dordon in North Warwickshire. Now Warwickshire has officially embraced my other favourite thing – the World Wide Web! Paul Henderson and…