Category: Help & Advice
LinkedIn Squatting: Claim a Company for Your Own!
According to LinkedIn, I am now the proud owner of a company. How so? Because I told them I was. Why did they believe me? Because they didn’t bother to check. I gave them an e-mail address that in no way resembling the company’s web address and in return they let me create and play…
On reciprocal links and why you shouldn’t use link pages
Via Search Roundtable, a WebmasterWorld forum post this week asks the question, “should I get rid of my reciprocal links pages?” My short answer: Absolutely! In fact, links pages themselves are a particularly bad idea, unless they are in context (a corporate partners page, for example). In the thread, a few posters encourage editing the…
404s, 301s and a smidgen of common sense
My guess is that the reason so many SEOs ask the wrong questions is because they don’t have a technical background. I’m not sure how good Barry Schwartz’ technical knowledge is, but today he’s asked, “404 or 301 Your Old Pages? Which is Best For SEO?” There are two questions here and there’s a fundamental…